Global Update on new Crown Disease
 Date:2020-06-11 PV:3175

The total number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the world has exceeded 6.96 million. There are now more than 200,000 confirmed cases in seven countries, with Brazil, Russia, Spain, the UK, India and Italy in addition to the US. The total number of confirmed cases in the United States is close to 1.99 million. Fourteen countries have more than 100,000 confirmed cases globally, the order from most to least is the United States, Brazil, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, India, Italy, Peru, Germany, Iran, Turkey, France, Chile and Mexico. Currently, the number of confirmed cases in Saudi Arabia is approaching 100,000. World Real time statistics show that as of 07:15 Beijing time on June 7, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia globally exceeded 6.96 million, reaching 6961938 cases, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 401,000, reaching 401524 cases. The United States has the world's largest number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, with nearly 1.99 million cases, or 1987175, and more than 112,000 cumulative deaths, or 112057. The violent death of an African American man, George Floyd, by a white police officer in Minnesota has sparked protests across the country that have been marked by rioting and violent clashes. Health experts in the United States have repeatedly warned that during the epidemic, large-scale demonstrations will cause a potential clustering of cases. Redfield Robert, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a House hearing on the response to the new pneumonia outbreak in Washington on June 4,2010, the CDC maintains "close cooperation" with the WHO, despite President Donald Trump's recent announcement that it will end the relationship. Washington, DC, June 4(local time) -- a new peak in the number of confirmed cases of pneumonia in the region may be due to the recent accumulation of test specimens, according to The Washington, D.C. health department. A statement on the Washington, D.C. government web site said the Memorial Day had created a backlog of laboratory samples and that new cases had been detected through infection tracking, it May "lead to a new surge in diagnoses" over the next few days. Even if all the aid money is used to cushion the impact of the new crown disease, it could still cost the U.S. economy $7.9 trillion over the next 10 years, according to data released by the Congressional Budget Office on June 1. In response to the impact of the epidemic, Congress has enacted a $2,200 BN ECONOMIC RESCUE BILL, handing out cash cheques to low-income Americans and creating new lending programmes for small and medium-sized businesses hard hit by the epidemic. On April 11 local time, US President Donald Trump approved Wyoming for the new Crown Disease "state of major catastrophe" . This means that all 50 states of the United States, the capital, Washington, D.C. , and the four overseas territories of the United States Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and Puerto Rico are in a "state of major disaster" , for the first time in American history,. As of 07:15 Beijing time on June 7,671464 cases had been confirmed by Brazil's new CAP, 458689 cases had been confirmed in Russia, and 288390 cases had been confirmed in Spain, according to Real time world statistics from major overseas countries, there have been 284868 confirmed cases in the UK, 246622 in India, 234801 in Italy, 191758 in Peru, 185696 in Germany, 169425 in Iran, 169218 in Turkey and 153634 in France, chile has 127745 confirmed cases, Mexico has 110026, Saudi Arabia has 98,869 and Canada has 95,017. On June 5, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued new guidelines for the use of face masks, giving updated advice on who should wear them, when and what materials should be used. Who director-general Tan Desai said at a press conference that day that who had developed the guidelines after a careful review of all available evidence and extensive consultation with international experts and civil society groups. In contrast to previous versions, the new guidelines recommend that all personnel working in health clinical areas in areas with widespread outbreaks should wear surgical masks, not just those in direct contact with new patients. The new guidelines also recommend that people 60 years of age and older, or suffering from other diseases, should wear medical masks in areas where community transmission of the new crown has occurred, if social distance can not be maintained. On the afternoon of June 4, British Prime Minister Johnson announced the successful conclusion of the Global Vaccine Summit, saying the summit had raised $8.8 billion for Gavi, the Gavi alliance, exceeding its original target of $7.4 billion. Johnson extends his heartfelt thanks to the countries attending the summit and calls for Global Co operation to protect children from deadly diseases. Who director-general Tan Desai expressed "special concern" about the rapid development of the epidemic in central and South America at a press conference on June 3 local time.